Woodworker? Collector? User? It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’re particular interest is, if you’re looking to buy a handplane then check out the latest listings from eBay at Handplane Central’s “Handplane Marketplace“. You never know – you might pick up a bargain or two.

Stanley No. 9 Cabinet Maker’s Block Plane

Manufactured: 1870 to 1943
Length: 8-1/4 inches
Blade Width: 2 inches
Construction: Cast iron, rosewood knob
Finish: Japanned
Features: Adjustable throat
Uses: For precision work on hardwoods and end grain
Average Dealer Price: $1600 to $2400
Without Hot Dog: $800 to $1400
Average eBay Price: $1400 to $2100
Type 1: $4000 to $9000
Type 2: $1500 to $3500

Other Notes: The metal “Hot Dog” handle can attach to either side of the plane. These “Hot Dog” handles can fetch up to $800 alone and were not always shown in catalogs. Sweetheart versions (1920-1935) often reach higher prices

Updated: 12th March, 2006

Stanley No. 9 Cabinet Maker’s Block Planes on eBay right now…

Sources: While many of the dealers prices for Stanley planes are largely set by John Walters’ book “Antique & Collectible Stanley Tools” it appears that eBay, while acknowledging the Walters guide somewhat, tends to march to it’s own beat and sets its own prices. For that reason – and the fact that eBay’s reach and customer base is huge – I’ve decided to include a separate eBay average price here. Other sources include: “The Antique Tool Collector’s Guide To Value” by Ronald S. Barlow, “Antique & Collectible Stanley Tools” by John Walter, “The Stanley Plane” by Alvin Sellens, “Patrick’s Blood & Gore” by Patrick Leach, various auctions and sales of collectable tools and my own compilations of prices realized, observations and notes over the past 20+ years.

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